Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Almost a year!

This is a blog I started over a year ago, just going to hit POST I can't believe that in 8 days it will be one year ago that I had my precious Emma Grace. Last year at this time I was just wanting them to "take it out!" I was absolutely miserable. I looked like the Michelin Man my legs and feet were so swollen.
I remember the first day I was having some weird reactions to the meds they gave me so I could hardly hold her at all because I was shaking so bad. That night I cried when Matt called the nurse to take Emma to the nursery. I remember thinking, If I can't take care of her in a hospital how am I going to do it at home. We brought my little angel home on August 13, Matt's 40th Birthday.
She pretty much just laid there, she slept, ate and screamed, slept ate screamed. Looking back I was SO tired those first few weeks I couldn't see or even think straight. I was up non stop, worrying, is she still breathing, is she ok, why isn't she crying? Oh she's asleep.
We had a twin bed in her room and I slept in there because Matt was working, and I honestly didn't want to leave the room. I stayed in there so Matt could get his sleep plus we didn't want to bring Emma in our bedroom because we wanted her to feel comfortable in her crib and not want to sleep with us.
So far it has worked out great. We still haven't moved the twin bed out of the room, and occasionally when I get home from work at night I will go sleep in there just to be in the room with her.
It's so hard to believe how much a baby can change in a year. She went from laying there screaming louder than we ever thought a baby could possibly scream, crying in the car when I would try to take her to see everyone in Griffin.
MORE THAN ONCE I swore I would NEVER drive to Griffin again it was so stressful.

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